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Welcome to the Global Inventor Portal

Before entry of your Invention Disclosure into the Global Inventor Portal, please consider whether any of the following applies to your Invention:

  • US Connection:
    • You or a Co-Inventor is a US person (citizen, green card holder, US temporary resident)
    • Your invention contains any technology developed or amended in the US
  • NSA Related - Does this Invention Disclosure include information that is controlled by the Nokia National Security Agreement (NSA)?
  • CALEA Related - Does the invention include technical information relating to Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) products or technology?
  • US Government Related - Is the project/invention funded by the US Government?

If the answer is Yes to any of the above, in order to comply with US Export Control Regulations, please access the US Inventor Portal for entry of this Disclosure.

If this Invention Disclosure does not meet any of the above conditions, please check the box below to submit your disclosure via the Global Inventor Portal